In the recent times, there have been more discussions about link building. Main subject of the matter is usually about making the link building approach look more natural. Most of the business and marketing agencies focus on the ways to develop something to get links from the people without asking.
While the above mentioned approach is here in the industry due to search engines asking the marketers to focus on users and this approach is surely great, the marketers need to know about the ways to actually building links (in a traditional sense) while making sure that they are not doing anything illegal.
Good news is that there are actually some ways to build links without violating the rules. And those ways are what we are going to talk about here.
The matter of fact is that you can actually build links while advertising about your site. Here is what John Mueller has said in this regard:
“So basically on the one hand that involves some amount of self-promotion from your side like you have to get some people to come and visit your website somehow so that they can recognize that this is actually a good website.

And there are lots of ways that you can do that. And then that also involves one of those people or some of those people going well, this is a really fantastic website and I have another website that I can link… from where I can link to your website.
So it’s not the case that every visitor coming to your website will say it’s a fantastic website and I also have a website and let me link to your website from my website, but some of these people they can.”
In this scenario, you may wonder about the types of advertising that you can do. You can build awareness about your site with the help of PPC. In this scenario, you need to avoid entering into the deal with the advertising networks which can be prone to clickbot activity. The major disadvantage of clickbot activity is that you might end up paying for non-existent traffic.
Social media

Social media has always been considered a separate platform when it was compared with search engines. But the matter of fact is that this platform works in great association with the search engines. If your business is able to receive bigger traffic on social media, it is certainly going to benefit search engine’s ranking of your website. The reason is that you can use social media to build awareness about your business and, so, you can enhance your sales.
Podcasting is becoming more popular with every passing day. The reason is that it has the capability to share information in a way that the listener doesn’t have to pay attention to the text.

Thus, if a podcaster asks you to be interviewed, take it as an opportunity because you will be able to talk about your site and business. In this scenario, it doesn’t matter whether or not the podcaster shares a link to your website. You will be able to spread the word about your business and website.