When you are marketing something, you are actually trying to ride the emotions of the customers in order to convince them about buying your product. This very process can also be referred to as playing with the psychology.
Although it’s a fact that marketing has been used to its wrong potential by promoting something which has not been quite healthy or helpful for the people, there are many companies who tend to use marketing methods for good intentions. Both of these groups try to manipulate or boost certain parts of the customers’ psychology.
Since we are talking about the good part only, it is quite important for the marketers to spread happiness. As a matter of fact, this should be the primary policy or a mission statement.
In this scenario, it is quite important to follow certain psychological principles within a content marketing campaign.
Social proof
According to a survey, about 8 in 10 Americans say that they consult online ratings and reviews when they decide about buying a specific type of product for the first time.This survey is enough to tell how powerful the social proof is.

Reviews and rating grow in strength on a daily basis. This is the reason that they are becoming quite important in the world of digital marketing.
Generally, the social proof is considered to belong to certain channels that share reviews, ratings, testimonies and shares. However, social proofs can be created in a number of other ways.
For instance, you can influence an expert within your industry. That will help your brand to become popular through recommendations by the people who have a fan base.
Moreover, you can make guest contributions in certain major publications within your industry.
Social media is a great platform where social proofs can be quite effective for your brand. More specifically, you will find social media more effective if you sell clothes or baby products.

Admit Previous Faults
When you admit your faults in the past, people tend to feel empathetic towards you. In case of content marketing, this admitting of faults is referred to as honesty, and it rules. The reason you need to admit your faults in the business is that it lets other people feel that you have got the change you were in the dire need of and that you are not heading in the right direction.
Consistency in all efforts

If you want to appeal your current and future clients, you need to be consistent in your content marketing efforts. When you are doing content marketing, you need to avoid sporadically posting videos or guest posts. Instead, you need to complete the process in a consistent manner.