This is a common question that people ask, especially on search engines. But no, it won’t impact the SEO for any search engine, whether it be Google, Bing, or whatever. The problem with this that do SEO is that they tend to surface a ton of false positives.
This is necessary since the tools don’t understand the nuances humans are able to, but it’s hard to give an explanation that isn’t totally accurate as well. You can use nofollow on the internal link, and if you don’t want pages like login screens or commons on the blog to show in the search, nofollow is a good way to get this.
In a specific sense, it often means that the comment plugin is suppressing the comment reply links. there’s no good reason to allow for people to link to those pages directly, nor would you want them to show up within the search, so nofollow is a very acceptable way to handle this. The advice is to make sure that you look up the definitions of everything yourself, and think about the purpose of those within the larger scheme of things
Google did not invent nofollow, but instead, it was a microformat that was used and collaborated on. It indicates that the referred resource was not linked to the author of the page, and thus the references should not afford the luxury that comes from this or any additional weight.
Now, there are two parts to this, and the first is author o the age, which means that nofollow should be used in blog comments or advertising, where the author is’ responsible for the content that’s linked. Additional weight is the other comment. While SEO pros have become accustomed to the nofollow meaning to not follow the link, because that’s what Google says it means, that’s not the original meaning for this.
So it probably also comes to you as a surprise that these other search engines that aren’t google treat these nofollow links a little bit different than say Google might do.
The main takeaway from this is the following. Nofollow is a useful tool in the SEO toolkit, and it’s something that you should make sure that you have. The insinuation by this tool provider that using it in the internal links will make google suspect you is clearly not true at all. However, nofollow only works to keep pages out of the search results if you also fill out the noindex command on the destination page, and there aren’t’ any other followable links that are located on the page. it’s important to make sure that you realize this, and you make it so that you’re able to understand the difference, and how each of these different factors that come into this help to impact the SEO of your company. you’ll be able to, with all of this, make sure that you get the most out of your links, and understand what nofollow means.