Is SEO really Complex

You may wonder as you start your journey into SOE whether it’s really as complicated as it is.  It really is making a site analysis, creating a schematic core of this, creating content that’s original and has the keywords, but you may not realize that it’s a bit more complex than that. Just how complex though? Well, read on to find out!

You may wonder if it really is all that complex. Well, it’s a complicated discipline where it combines tools, practices, and adjusting to the updates.  The broad core algorithm updates, chrome security warnings, the mobile speed update, and video carousels definitely affect the algorithm, and it’s new technology that you have to keep yourself in the know about since it modifies the way that search engines work.

But, keeping yourself in the know about what is happening is actually very important, and let’s face it, if you know about this, that’s half the battle, and this will help with improving your efforts for making SEO reasonable and manageable for people.

There is a common issue that overcomplicates SEO though, and that’s misunderstanding how the algorithms work. We tend to misinterpret what google brings to the table, and from there, it can cause you to spend a lot more time on tasks that have nothing to do with what you need to do and gets you absolutely no results. Google benchmark is a prime example, and once it was announced, people dashed there to improve the page speed in every way possible.

But, is that necessary? Well, if a page tends to slow down, you can expect the site to go down in the SERPs too. But you should realize that there are some things that you don’t need to cull over for hours upon hours on end just to get an understanding of it, and you’ll want to make sure that you’re knowledgeable in all of this, as best as you can be.

But finally, there are tools. New restrictions force you to think outside the box, but it also allows for you to use a vast selection of SEO tools. We are moving from different SEO skills, and you can learn new approaches, and your clients will want to use different tools, such as learning to promote their latest projects internationally. that’s a much different landscape than a local SEO climate so, the truth is, it’s not all that complicated at the core.  You have basic tools, but the sheer number of tools is what makes it much more complicated, and the fact that there is just so much out there which can make the job so much harder for you too.

So to answer the question, SEO isn’t all that complicated, but if you focus on the wrong things at the wrong time, and you try to work to overcomplicate the nature of SEO, you’re going to end up having a bad time, because welcome to overcomplex systems, and overthinking as well too.