Search Changes in 2019

With google turning 21 years old this year, searching is constantly changing, and skipping over the little details, Google actually got some flack from media and government regarding social issues, and it involves how consumers digest social media. Confirmation bias, which is essentially getting the first link that involves what you believe can shift the viewpoint from being responsible for validating the sources, to search engines expecting to validate this, and it could be responsible for the results of the algorithm.

The issue of accuracy of results, and accusations of political bias, and privacy issues especially with filter bubbles not hiding the location in all of the different aspects. International data came under fire too, especially involving political issues, and Google’s willingness to even work with the censorship that China put forward. It’s been a rough year in terms of politics, and Google needs to make changes.

Google makes money via ads so they’ll follow the money. They want to deliver cost-effective and relevant advertising, since well, that’s important. So what does that mean?

Well, it’s going to get the brands known, and will double down on the known sites, and will triple down on facts, including fact checking and flagging pages that aren’t fact-checked, and it will affect medical communities even more since they want accuracy. They will also look at multi-perspective answers more than anything so that it doesn’t just create confirmation bias.

Google will also be working to be the traction go-to on the web and will look to pull conversions via Amazon, push google home much more, and will work to improve the Amazon Prime experience.

It also will double down on security, prioritizing the HTTPS sites, giving more education and will be more transparent, and will audit and notify hacked sites. It also will probably be looking to increase the notifications for cookies and where they are being stored as well.

It will also be looking to integrate more hardware, especially in terms of google home and android implementation.

Companies in term should look to find the seamlessness that works for them, and delight the users to make it even better for them, whether it be via website, search, apps, voice search, and the light. Create better conversions, understand customer intent, create the best infrastructure needed, such as creating a skill or whatever personalization works, make sure that your website provides the correct results, make sure that you can restock items quickly and efficiently, make sure that the chatbots help with questions, make sure that physical locations are explicitly stated, give them good fulfillment forms that are easy to process, and finally be transparent and make sure that they funnel into the conversions that you desire. These are all major factors, and if you’re considering going into marketing or anything of the like, you need to follow the trends.

Google is changing, and in this next year, focus on all of these in order to improve conversions and make it better too.