SEO Trends to Consider in 2019

With the new year closer than ever, you will want to boom your SEO to new heights. There are certain trends that you’ll want to consider next year, and here they are.

First, you have to know your audience, and that means their intent. Do they like text, images, videos, or audio? Whatever that may be, start to learn this, because it’s so much more important next year.  Think about it, people want to find the answers to their queries, so you want to do it in the simplest manner possible.

You should also consider going beyond the search functions of both Amazon and Google.  For example, you should consider Apple as well.  SEO isn’t just google, but you need to look at other search engines as well.  You need to show up on whatever means people search for you, so you need to make sure that you know how to get yourself noticed whenever possible, whether it be apps, videos, or podcasts. This ties into the first point as well, obviously.

You should also get into using structured data whenever possible. This is key, because AI is actually very important for Google, so structured data is just as important. If Google starts to move from mobile to AI first, you need to have structured data.  If it takes too long to get info, it won’t be great. AI does require a faster processing of the relations and contents than it needed before.  You need to look at the schema, active and passive search behaviors, and how they can connect so you understand the intent of the search as well. Contextual relationships are definitely something to consider adding in 2019

Another trend and something you should already start doing is creating exceptional content. Google is intensifying quality content and depth and breadth of the content of the website. You need to make sure your content is quality, and it does create the coverage and content that you know works for you.  You want to create the most in-depth experience possible in the upcoming year.

Finally, learn to increase your expertise, trustworthiness, and authority. This is a key trend coming forward this next year.  You need to make sure that you understand this. You can’t rank easily writing subjects you’re an authority on unless you already are one.  You need to look at everything from a reputation standpoint. Learn to hire experts that will author your content, give you the credentials necessary, and the affinity for the brand.  You want to make sure that you have expertise because this will help with creating more powerful results and helping to boost the algorithm come next year.

Following these trends will change the way you’re able to rank on google and to utilize SEO, so consider doing this, because it does make a difference, and allows for some great success for yourself, and for your business in the future as well, and gets you the rankings too.